Music, Media, & Arts
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Media Ministry

The primary goal of this ministry is to ensure that audio and visual productions are precise for duplication. This ministry strives to ensure that the Ministry of the Kingdom of God is presented in a Christian perspective so that those receiving may feel the intensity of the ministry through media.  Additionally, this Ministry assists with carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever changing Word through the use of technology and media.  This Ministry records various events, teachings and sermons which are made available on CD or DVD for later viewing.



Social Media

This ministry is responsible for overseeing the planning, coordinating and implementing of all social media outlets.  It is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate.  This Ministry is important to the church because it “goes where the people are.”  This Ministry engages the congregation, reach out to new people and provides an accurate reflection of the church.



Public Relations

This Ministry distributes internal and external communication about events and activities at Higher Way to the membership and community by working with local media outlets.  This Ministry builds positive relationships with the community, organizations and the public.  Hence, this Ministry is responsible for getting the Church’s name in the news or to the public in a positive light to create a strong and positive reputation for the Church and assists with the growth and development of the Ministry.


Music/Choir Ministry

Our talented musicians and choir members seek to discern the flow of the Holy Spirit in each worship service and follow the leading of the Spirit both musically and spiritually in unity and cooperation with our Pastor and other worship leaders.  The main purpose of this ministry is to provoke the congregation into God’s presence.





Dance Ministry

The Dance Ministry has the power to elevate God’s people into the heavenly realm of pure worship.  This Ministry is not based on performance, but ministers to lift up Jesus and to inspire others to worship Jesus.  This ministry is designed to enhance and enlighten spiritual awareness through dramatization, and to meet the needs of those members who are artistic in talent or desire to develop the necessary skills to worship the Lord in drama.



Worship and Arts Ministry

The Worship and Arts Ministry exists to provide ministry outlets for those gifted in music, drama, and the arts.  This Ministry seeks to advance the gospel through the vehicle of drama, making Biblical truths come alive.  Their goal is to enhance worship by adding a visual component.



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