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Missionary Ministry

The purpose of the Missionary Ministry is to address the needs of the church and the community.  This Ministry strives to fulfill and perform the duties of service with commitment, loyalty, dedication and prayer.


Evangelistic Ministry

The Great Commission of Christ to the church is to go out into the world and compel men, women and children to give their life to Christ. The goal of this ministry is to strategically attract our community to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The love and power that enable us to engage in evangelism comes to us directly from the Holy Spirit.


Visitation Ministry

The Visitation Ministry is designed to meet the needs of people who may be temporarily incapacitated. This ministry also contributes goods and services to our community and church family as needed.


BALM -Breaking Addictions Learning Ministry

This Ministry provides ministry, deliverance, teaching and restoration for those whose lives have been disrupted due to drug and alcohol abuse and other addictive behaviors.

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